Snow & Ice Management
Snow & Ice Management
We know Calgary weather! The storms, the Chinooks, the snow, the ice, and everything in between, any time of the year!
We have the right tools for the right application. We have a Power Broom Sweeper which removes snow on sidewalks right down to the pavement. We have single and dual stage snow throwers, and Ice Scrapers which have a thin steep blade to remove ice.
Our #1 goal is CUSTOMER SAFETY. We do snow removal within 24 hours of a new snowfall, and if there is ongoing snow fall, we remove snow once every 24 hours.
We do ice checks and de-icing once a week or more often depending on the weather.
Calgary Chinooks bring warm melting weather but then the ice arrives when the temperatures plunge again. We use eco-friendly and pet friendly de-icer and we have an organic option.

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